
Welcome to
Department of Accounting

Founding year


Welcome to the Department of Accounting at Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University (MBSTU). Today’s world is a world of industrialization and globalization. In this world a combination with the technological, industrial, and theoretical knowledge is essential to meet the up-to-date demand of the world. Though Bangladesh is an agrarian country; swift industrialization has become imperative for the country to keep pace with global development. To be successful in this competitive industrialized world, we need a skilled manpower in the field of accounting. Complying with the slogan of “Grabbing Financial Data, Transforming Information” the Department of Accounting has started its journey in 2019 (Session 2019-2020). Initially it had six faculty members including Dr. Syed Moudud-Ul-Huq as the founder Chairman of the department.

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Latest Notices

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Admission to undergraduate program for International Students
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